Families, Infertility, Adoption, Working Moms and more....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You did what?!!!

Meredith's post about her spiritual experience at the hospital when having her last child prompted me to think about when my youngest was born. The week prior to his birth I had passed out. Not sure why. My husband found me lying flat (well as flat as possible when you are eight months pregnant) on my stomach. I felt OK after but he insisted I go to the hospital where they found nothing wrong and sent me home. The following week they had me come in to have a non stress test done on the baby. Monday's test seemed fine and so did Tuesday's but on Wednesday something was wrong. My doctor came downstairs and told me he thought it best to take the baby right away.

Now, if you know me, I am a planner. I like to know what, who, when, how much and then tell me all of that info again. I had planned on having C on a Friday at 5:00 (via C-section). I would then be able to return home on Monday evening and resume normal activities by Tuesday.

Anyway, this really threw me. I told my doctor I had to get a few things done. He said to go home, rest, pack a bag and return when I had my other two kids taken care of. Instead, I ran back to the office, completed payroll, made a few calls, went home and cleaned house (my in-laws where coming home for Christmas and we were living in their basement). My husband finally got home from school and was able to get the kids taken care of. I called my boss, who was out of town, and assured him this wouldn't be a problem. It was almost Christmas and so things were quiet and work and the secretary would be able to handle things for a bit.

Luckily, everything went well. I had an easy C-section. C was healthy and although he seemed tiny (5 lbs 12 oz) I was told that was a great size for being 4 weeks early. We were able to go home after 48 hours (not a big fan of hospitals) and be there in time to celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas with the family. The only hitch was my secretary quit that weekend and with my boss being out of town, I has to return to the office on Monday to take care of a few things.

On my follow up visit my doctor asked me what took me so long to get back to the hospital and when I told him, he looked at me like I was crazy and said "You did what?"

Which brings me to Shanelle's question of what would my word be? I think I would choose enjoy. I feel like I am always running and always falling behind. I am always so worried about what is coming next, I forget to enjoy the now. I can't tell you exactly what was wrong with C to have to have him early. But I can tell you that day, payroll was done faster than I have ever done it before. I want to enjoy my life. My husband, children and friends. My relationship with the Savior. I want to stop worrying and just enjoy.

And in regards to never ironing again. Ironing (and folding laundry) is the only time I have an excuse to turn the TV on and become a recluse for an hour. So for the time being, we shall have wrinkle free clothes!

There is a quote on my friends wall "Enjoy the journey." That is my resolution.

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