Families, Infertility, Adoption, Working Moms and more....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hot potato, Hot potato!

Any Wiggles fans out there? Then you'll recognize the song. Today I close out my day with a story that some day I'm sure I'll look back and laugh at. Today has been one of those days. (I'll spare you the details.) It was around 7:15pm, and I had just finished serving dinner to my kids. (Did I mention I have 10 of them?) No wait, actually just to 9 because my daughter N was in the gameroom crying over homework. Hubby was working late tonight, which left me to fend for myself. Most of the kids were done eating, and on their way upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed. I was feeling a bit exhausted myself. I've been up since 5am, since hubby & I teach seminary. (Did I say NO details?...) I had to pick up little J early from school because he had the runs today, poor guy. And I'm thinking....I'm in the home stretch. 45 more minutes until bedtime. I'm gonna make it!

I reached into the oven to pull out the last baked potato and turn off the oven, when POP! It totally exploded into a million pieces of 400 degree baked potato! And it landed e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. In my hair, singeing (or maybe melting...) my eyelashes, and burning my bosom (literally) as I tried to not flash my sons but get that hot potato OUT of my shirt. And then I turned around and saw this:

And this:

And I realized that my day was far from over. The pictures don't do it justice. Truly. There were pieces of potato everywhere. Tiny. Smeary. All I can say is Clorox Wipes! I could seriously do a commercial for Clorox Wipes. Maybe they'd give me a year's supply free?

The best part, however, was when the kids came running in and exclaimed

"what happened Mom?"

And I explained that you have to poke a potato with a fork before you put it in the over, or else....

"Why didn't you poke it Mom?"

Hmmmn. I wonder. I can think of 10 reasons why not....

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