Families, Infertility, Adoption, Working Moms and more....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

All about me!

Well, today it's my turn to entertain you, so here goes...

Growing up, I always pictured the future with a handsome husband, four great kids, and a wonderful mother (me!) who took care of everyone and everything with ease.

Fast forward to today - I have a handsome husband and one amazing daughter (after 12+ years of marriage), and I work from home and try to keep order to everything else on the side.

Our struggle with infertility began shortly after we were married. We realized after a year of trying with no success that something was up, and we felt like we were too old to mess around with trying for another three or four years. We went to the first set of doctors who ran a ton of tests, couldn't find any problems, and sent us home to "keep our fingers crossed and keep trying". (Yes, I'm still bitter about that insensitive phrase!)

We went to a new doctor several months later who, with the help of shots, pills, and other treatments, made it possible for us to have our little girl nine years ago. Although the journey was long and difficult, we were so grateful to finally be parents.

Since then, we have continued to hope for more children and have even repeated the same tests (eight times!) that helped us before. Nada. Zip. No more pregnancies. The official diagnosis is "unexplained infertility".

My honey and I have always been open to adoption, so we decided to attempt that when we realized that we may not have any more children of our own. Today, after four failed attempts at adoption, we have decided to do foster care to try to adopt that way.

We are currently training to become foster parents and hope that this is the way we will finally be able to complete our family. I'll keep you posted on all that!

So that's it in a nutshell. Like I mentioned before, I work from home and am grateful to do so. It's been nice to stay home and still be able to contribute to the cause. However, working from home and trying to be a mom at the same time has its challenges. More on that later, too...

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