Families, Infertility, Adoption, Working Moms and more....

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Good friends

I live in a great neighborhood. In my neighborhood are some of the greatest ladies you will ever meet. Yesterday, I got together with a group of women and did "freezer meals". It took most of the day and when I realized it was time to pick up the kids from school I was up to my elbows in honey and soy sauce. I called one of these great ladies and asked her to pick up the children. Of course she would.

Last night I was exhausted and fell asleep on the couch as I was waiting to go get G from soccer practice. I woke at 9 ( a half hour after it was over) letting me know that G was on his way home with his coach. Coach's wife is another one of these great ladies.

Today, after a soccer game G went over to yet another great ladies home where he played and ate and laughed. He walked in the door and said "It was a blast."

Now it may sound like I am a loser mom. I'm not. I do my fair share of carpooling, hosting and whatever else comes along with being a parent. I don't think a day goes by that I don't have an "extra" child in my car at some point or another. But I am so grateful to have these amazing women in my life. I know I can trust my children with any of the three of them at any time.

You always hear it takes a village to raise a family. I think it's true. With all the running we have to do these days it is so nice to join forces or sometimes divide and conquer. Sometimes I feel like I am in a battle trying to protect my kids from some of the bad that is out there. It is so great to know there are "safe harbors" so close to home. A, L and S have helped me to learn to trust and depend on people. I am truly blessed to have such great friends.

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