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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Random thoughts...

For the past couple of months, I have been reading a series called "The Great and Terrible" by Chris Stewart. It begins in the premortal existence where the war in heaven takes place. It continues through the ages and ends in book 6 just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Needless to say, it has been VERY thought-provoking. These books, along with recent international events, have made me realize just how tough Earth life can be. Also, sometimes life has to be tough to teach us the lessons we came here to learn so that we can be worthy to live in God's presence again someday.

I have learned that Satan and his followers desperately want us to fail, so they will discourage us, goad us, work on our prideful natures, and basically try to keep us from any progress or happiness we may find.

The best news of all is that we are stronger than them! We truly are. If only we would recognize that when temptations come so that we could run from evil, rather than inviting it in. If we have even a small chink in our armor, evil will be sitting on the edge, leaning in for a spot inside.

I am so grateful for all of the blessings I have been given - a beautiful family, a home in a safe neighborhood, food, clothing, shelter, freedom in my country, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ that teaches me who I am, where I came from, and where I need to be after this life is over. Where would I be without that knowledge?

LIFE IS GOOD, even when it's hard.

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