Families, Infertility, Adoption, Working Moms and more....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We Will Succeed

Today, I logged on to my bank account and was met with this slogan. "We will succeed." It caught my eye. (When you work full time, your a mom full time, a wife full time and have a full time calling in our church, you have to grab your motiviation where ever you can :-). It gave me a little hope. I get so frusterated sometimes with the different roles I play, feeling a little stretched thin, that I wonder if I am succeeding at anything. But in that instant I decided:

*I will succeed at my marriage, because there is nothing more important.
*I will succeed at raising my children. There is no other option. I have been trusted with great
spirits and I know they depend on me for guidance.
*I will succeed in my role at church, because it gives me great motivation with my first two
*And I will succeed at my job. I am good at it. I have spent almost 16 years of my life in this
position. And on those days when things go right, I actually enjoy it.

So there you have it. I look around the world and think it would be so easy to give up or fail if I lived somewhere else. If I didn't have the family I have. If I didn't have the friends I have. But how can I give up, when I have the support I do. The mind I have. The home. The car. The food to eat and the clothes to wear.

I think back 14 years ago, when I moved to Utah. I came with nothing. I had no plan. My sister accepted me with open arms in her home. She bought my groceries. She gave me guidance. I remember lying in bed at night giggling with Meredith and Shanelle about the dumbest things. Then she moved out. I remember the night I came home after getting engaged. Shanelle was the first one to know. Life after that flew by. And here we are now. All married. All moms. All getting by and sometimes even excelling in life. I think we'll meet in the afterlife to compare notes (because that's the first chance we'll have time to do it). And we will realize how many of our struggles were truly part of "the plan."

But for now we will look ahead with hope and determination. We will not only get by. We will succeed!!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

You're so dang inspirational! Wish I had your optimism today! : )