Families, Infertility, Adoption, Working Moms and more....

Friday, April 2, 2010

The awful truth

Sometimes people ask me really stupid questions or make stupid comments and instead of giving them the brutal truth, I sugarcoat the answer.

Here are a few examples.

1. "Why don't you just change your formica countertops out for granite?"
My answer: "Oh we are waiting until we are able to renovate our entire kitchen all at once."
The answer in my head: "Are you an idiot? Don't you think if I had the money, I would?"

2. "Do you enjoy working?
My answer: "It's not so bad. I have a great boss and my hours aren't too bad."
The answer in my head: "Stupid, spoiled rich girl who has everything handed to you on a silver platter. Of course I don't enjoy working. It takes me away from my kids. I am tired all of the time. And it is so mundane. I want to volunteer in my kids classrooms. I want to exercise and take my youngest to the park. Go to lunch with friends and have a fabulous dinner ready when my husband comes home.

3. "I am so excited for spring break. My kids and I need some time off."
My answer: "I am so glad for you. It is nice to change your routine sometimes.
The answer in my head: "Time off? What's that? Working mom's don't get time off. They use their time off for things like school plays, doctor appointments and their children's sick days. When we are sick, we go to work so we dont use our "break time."

So I know I sound a little harsh. And I am the queen of putting my foot in my mouth, but this last week I have thought (quite a few times) does this person realize what they just said and who they said it to?

It's like the 135 pound girl saying to the 248 pound girl "I don't know what to do, I can't lose these last five pounds."

Sometimes as I am talking to people I think, "I would love to kick this person in the teeth right now." Then I realize, their reality is different then mine and I can't judge them for it.

It's just really hard sometimes.

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