Families, Infertility, Adoption, Working Moms and more....

Monday, April 12, 2010

Not too busy...

I work for a really good guy. He knows how important my family is to me and is pretty lenient with allowing me to take kids to doctors appointments, going to their school programs, etc. I even bring my four year old to work with me most days so I don't have to leave him at a daycare (which would emotionally kill me).

He does have a few faults though. He is notorious for using the word we. "We need to do this." or "We need to do that." He really means me. But for some reason he wont say "Will you do this?" or "Will you do that?" I don't know why is drives me crazy. But it does.

He also says "if you're not too busy." I hate that one too. Of course I am to0 busy. Last friday, I tried to make it to the bathroom 4 times before I finally gave up and realized I would have to wait until I got home from work. He owns three companies and I answer phones and do all the paperwork for all three. I carry three cell phones so when I am out of the office I can have phones transferred and not miss anything. Even when we are slow in the field, I am swamped in the office. I am always too busy.

On the upside, he is generous. I get to drop my kids off at school each morning and pick them up at the end of each day. I am able to help my husband pay the bills. And somehow, I am able to keep my sanity (not sure how, but I think I am still doing okay).

Anyway, I am obviously in a bit of a rut (I am sure you can tell by my last post) but I have vowed to find something positive to post this week. Stay tuned to see if I can change my attitude. It's up to me. Right?

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